Initiated in August 2020, the 6th Street Demonstration Project successfully met its two goals:


Provide small business support in order to enable seven open businesses on Market and 6th Street, to have a safe and clean environment in which to operate.

These are the seven businesses:


Chai Bar

Taqueria Cancun

Home Skillet

Tú Lan




To start the larger Pilot Program with actual services and to begin to form a portion of the team and the relationships that will operate under the Mid-Market/Tenderloin Joint Operations Pilot Program.

The demonstration project area was the south side of Market St. beginning at Zendesk and along the west side of 6th and into Stevenson St to include Montesacro restaurant.

Four Urban Alchemy Practitioners were on site 10 hours a day, 7 days a week. Funding came from Supreme, Zendesk, 1064 Mission LP. (Mercy Housing), and OEWD.


  • SFPD (Enforcement)

  • Urban Alchemy  (daily presence and behavioral improvement)

  • Mid-Market CBD  (cleaning & marketing)

  • Mid-Market Business Association  (administration & fundraising)

  • Department of Public Works  (cleaning)


  • Increased customers to the businesses in the demonstration area due to a more positive sidewalk user experience.

  • Development of a Joint Operations framework between public and private parties

  • Better understanding of a budget for the ongoing Mid-Market/Tenderloin Joint Operations Pilot Program

During the course of the demonstration project, Urban Alchemy staff had 8,515 Positive Engagements, 1,586 Inviting Space Interventions, 687 De-escalation Interventions, and saved 29 lives.

Positive Engagements

1-3 minute engagements with neighbors to build positive relationships and serve as community connectors. Practitioners provide visitors, residents, and neighbors directions, district information, service connections and resource information.

Inviting Space Intervention

Intervention with a neighbor or resident to invite them to participate in creating a safe and inviting public space for all by maintaining a path clear of debris. Practitioners make a good faith effort to interrupt anti-social behavior in the Service Area including but not limited to public urination/defecation, littering, and general noise disturbances.

De-Escalation Interventions

Practitioners assist with relational and other interventions to help contain mental health episodes, and to prevent or interrupt street violence. Solutions may include referring to appropriate service personnel like EMTs, HOT, or, lastly, the police.